The TMC Library gets frequent requests such as this and unfortunately, is unable to comply due to publishing copyright and contractual agreements.
However, there is a solution which will help your students both now and long term.
The World Health Organization along with several private institutions has created a partnership with medical and scientific publishers, such as Springer, Elsevier, Wolters-Kluwer and many others, to provide access to peer reviewed medical and scientific literature to developing countries.
This program is known as HINARI. Within each eligible country academic and teaching institutions apply for institutional access to HINARI.
Your individual residents may contact one of these approved institutions and they will be given access through that library. Once they have access they can search the medical literature using their access.
Here are some links to HINARI and a document which lists the institutions by country which are already signed up as HINARI institutions.
We hope this answer is helpful however if you need further assistance you may speak to one of the librarians at 713 799 7161.
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