Answered By: Keya Lee
Last Updated: Aug 30, 2019     Views: 502

In PubMed, you have the option to limit your search results to only materials found in nursing journals. You are able to do this using PubMed's filters. Below is a step by step guide. 

1. Enter your search terms into PubMed and click search. For this example we will use the MeSH term "evidence based nursing".

Here are the unfiltered results for the MeSH term "evidence based nursing". 


2. From there, click on "show additional filters". 


3. Check the box for the filter "journal categories" and click "show". 


4. Finally, click on the filter "nursing journals" under the new journal category filter you added. Notice the number of results drops from 3,595 to 3,367. Because our topic nursing-related, the number did not drop drastically. However, this will change depending on your individual topic. 


Your search results now only contain citations from nursing journals. Clicking the "nursing journals" filter again will remove the filter and return you to your original results. 

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