Answered By: Sandra Desjardins
Last Updated: Jul 21, 2023     Views: 169

Unfortunately, we do not hold a license with Read by QxMD, so we are unable to offer technical support. However, we would suggest that if you are trying to access information within a hospital, you leave the hospital network to sign into the mobile application, as their firewalls can sometimes interfere with access to many applications.

On a more uplifting note, when we tested the Read by QX app ourselves, we were able to gain access through our staff accounts, and we noticed that both the Texas Medical Center Library and the University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, appeared as institutional access choices. If you continue to experience difficulty logging in after trying both institutions, though, please feel free to reach out to Read by QxMD technical support for assistance. There is a “Get Help” option in the hamburger menu in the upper left corner of the mobile application and a "Support" button on the web version of the interface. You can also try to contact your UTHealth Houston IT Department to see if they can assist.

Lastly, as an alternative, have you tried using our Browzine mobile app? The TMC Library licenses Browzine, which allows us to provide full text linking directly through Browzine on the web, or via the mobile app. Our Browzine usage demonstrates extremely high usage via the app every quarter, so it's clear that many of our users find its interface and functionality very useful. And, because we license Browzine, we can help with technical support.

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