Each of our participating publishers has unique instructions and workflows for submitting articles, confirming eligibility and granting fee waivers or discounts. Some do require additional steps be taken before the benefit is granted.
For example:
Elsevier offers discounts on APCs depending on whether the article is submitted to either a Hybrid (10%) or Gold (15%) open access journal. Authors are eligible if they submit using a current institutional email address.
SAGE offers a full waiver of the APCs as long as the journal is part of their SAGE Choice program, which includes almost all the SAGE journals we subscribe to. Corresponding authors must choose the institution they are affiliated with to qualify.
Some publishers, like PNAS and BMJ Case Reports, offer a flat, discounted APC rate because the Library subscribes.
Others, like the Amer. Society for Microbiology and the Amer. Physiological Society, provide a Subscribe to Open (S2O) option that automatically waives APCs for corresponding authors. This option does not require authors to prove eligibility beyond logging into our resources via OpenAthens.
To see our current list of participating publishers, guidelines on submissions, eligibility and fee waivers/discounts, please see our OpenAccess LibGuide.